GCG Open class has been a drama-filled rollercoaster since the pit lane opened on Thursday practice. 2022 class champion Nathan Morcom in the GAS Evo led early with a 1:27.024, with others struggling to bank a time.

Come Saturday morning and Rob Nguyen pedalled the Dream Project S15 Silvia to a 1:26.319 to snatch the lead, before Tim Slade came through on a blinder in the XTREME GT-R. Supercars driver Sladey was on a heater with a 1:25.935, but had a front-end failure as he crossed the finish line.

Benny Tran's BYP Integra suffered an engine failure as it crossed the line on a 1:30.583 lap on Friday, which left it fifth in class after John Boston banked a 1:30.258 early on Saturday. Benny came out in the Supercheap Auto Superlap Shootout to slap a 1:28.503, finishing just ahead of Boston's 1:29.865.

The Supercheap Auto Superlap Shootout had everyone on the edge, as Morcom pulled a 1:25.883 to snatch the lead, after changing a turbo in the afternoon. Despite running wide in one turn Rob Nguyen countered with a 1:25.543 in the Dream Project S15, setting the stage for Tim Slade to come out and throw it all on the line.
Unfortunately, after running wide on the back of the circuit Sladey had to abort his lap meaning Rob Nguyen the 2024 GCG Open class champion.

Full results will be posted shortly.